KFC Couple Hector Mkansi and Nhlanhla Soldaat share their love storie, Still keeping love strong and pure

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KFC couple’ still madly in love and still longing for dream honeymoon that was halted by Covid-19
‘We have love and we are in love with each other. We told ourselves that we will grow old together, with or without money,’ said Hector Mkansi, whose proposal in a KFC story to NonhlanhlaSoldaat went viral.

A couple who won the hearts of South Africans after their wedding proposal at a KFC outlet in 2019 say they plan to grow old together, despite their financial challenges.

The proposal, which trended on Twitter in SA and globally, captured the imagination of thousands and saw ordinary citizens and big corporates pledge towards making their dream wedding a reality.
14 Feb English South Africa Society & Culture

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