XOLILE GWENGU - Ekuqaleni (In the Beginning)
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Kweli podcast, uXolile Gwengu uqalisa uhambo olutsha lokucamngca ngokusungulwa kwehlabathi kunye nendlela iimpilo zethu zixhomekeke ngayo kumqolo wokuqala wokudala. Uxoxa ngezifundo ezivela ekuqaleni kokwenziwa kwempilo kunye nendlela uThixo apha khona ekuqaleni kwezenzakalo.
Xolile Gwengu embarks on a new journey of reflection on the creation of the world and how our lives are connected to the original act of creation. He discusses the lessons we can learn from the beginning of life and the presence of God in the initial events of existence.
Xolile Gwengu embarks on a new journey of reflection on the creation of the world and how our lives are connected to the original act of creation. He discusses the lessons we can learn from the beginning of life and the presence of God in the initial events of existence.