Healing Yourself Before You Heal the World

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Very few of us arrive at adulthood emotionally whole, free, and brimming with confidence and a strong sense of identity. Instead, we often carry hidden insecurities and doubts about ourselves and who we are.

The messages we receive during our formative years from the significant people in our lives deeply impact our developing hearts and minds. Every child needs to feel seen, loved, known, and validated, and to know they are safe. Unfortunately, the messages we receive from parents, siblings, peers, and society often fail to meet this need. The voice of our parents can become our inner voice as adults, either positive and affirming or negative and demeaning. Interactions with siblings, peers, and society can also hurt and undermine our self-esteem.

In this episode, Craig invites you to embark on a journey of self-healing and transformation. Discover how to break free from the limiting beliefs that hold you back and step into the confident, whole person you were always meant to be. This podcast offers the insights and inspiration you need to begin your path to emotional freedom and self-empowerment so you can make the biggest impact on the world around you!
4 Sep 2024 English South Africa Society & Culture · Self-Improvement

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