S08E10: Anthony Clark. Tall trees catch the most wind

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Anthony Clark has featured as a guest on each of the 4 years that this podcast has been running. We return to get his insights annually as he is the “tallest tree” or perhaps the “only tree” as an analyst in the small and mid-cap space in South Africa. His excellent views are occasionally the subject of criticism by social media keyboard warriors, but Anthony has broad shoulders. In this podcast, we re-visit prior favourites Grindrod, Curro, Stadio and Invicta. We also discuss Renergen that has been brutal for many who bought the stock into the hype in 2021 and 2022. Anthony sees SA mid-cap shares as desperately cheap, but also remains cautious ahead of the 29 May election in South Africa.

CFD losses can exceed your deposits. IG Markets South Africa Limited is an authorised FSP No 41393 and an over-the-counter derivative provider.
10 Apr 2024 English South Africa Investing

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