Social Work Khuluma | Season 1 | EP 8 | Life Based Group Work

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Hello Social Work Khuluma listeners, in this podcast I speak with Dr Nngodiseni Jimmy Budeli who is the interim Head of the Social Work Department at the University of Venda and is a senior Lecturer. Jimmy has shared his passion for group work and in this conversation shares how his early development impacted on how he sees group work from a personal perspective as well as how he teaches group work.

Dr Budeli is passionate about developing more on group work with origins in South Africa. He used examples from his life to show how groups have been formative in his development as a person. He suggested that a book on South African group work be written by including chapters from the various cultural and linguistic groups that make up South Africa. He shares his concern that the youth of the country have forgotten the ways of old and having nuclear families replacing extended families means that families no longer have the experience of living within a wider group of relatives.

He referred to the book that he was taught group work in his undergraduate degree, which was Schwartz, W. (1971). On the use of groups in social work practice.

He currently makes use of Toseland, R., & Rivas, R. (2022). An Introduction to Group Work Practice: Global Edition (9E ed.). Pearson

Corey, G. (2012). Theory and Practice of Group Counseling. Brooks/Cole.

Music By: Pollypony Rec
22 Jun 2023 English South Africa Education

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