Maranatha Drive

Maranatha Drive is an afternoon commute show combining contemporary Christian music with discussions on current events and biblical insights. It aims to keep listeners informed, inspired, and connected to their faith as they end their workday. The show offers a mix of uplifting music, commentary, and spiritual reflection for an entertaining and enriching journey home.
Monthly English South Africa Christianity
927 Episodes
1 – 20

Life Matters | Lifestyle: Physical and Spiritual Benefits of Fasting

Christian fasting is a spiritual discipline, which means it is a habit or practice that helps us to grow in our faith and turn to God for help in accomplishing our calling in the world. Right now, Seventh-Day Adventists across the world are engaged in Ten Days of Fasting and…
10 Jan 18 min

Bible Corner | Fundamental Beliefs: Stewardship

Tithes are the first ten percent of our income. Tithe actually means “tenth.” The Bible also tells us we should return God’s tithe to Him first, before we do anything else with our money (Proverbs 3:9). This can be difficult for many of us who are struggling to make ends…
10 Jan 18 min

Scripture in Motion | Cultivating Resilience Through Faith

Today we conclude our lesson on building resilience, getting through the necessary struggles of life, and how to get the most out of every experience, never wasting a crisis. If we can’t avoid it altogether, we may as well get the most out of it. But if struggle is so…
10 Jan 14 min

Life Matters | Legal: Social Media & the Workplace

As of 2021, 4.5 billion people—more than half of the global population—possessed a social media account. But what happens when your social media activity intersects with your professional life? Can you be fired for social media posts made outside of work hours?
9 Jan 17 min

Bible Corner | Fundamental Beliefs: Stewardship

The word steward, which means “manager,” is mentioned several times in the Bible. Sometimes the actual term is used, and sometimes it’s discussed in principle. Over the next few days, we will look deeper into the principle of stewardship and learn what our responsibility is in that regard.
8 Jan 9 min

Scripture in Motion | Cultivating Resilience Through Faith

Today we want to look at Biblical examples of resilience in the face of great adversity, but we also want to talk about the very real danger of difficulties and struggle turning us into hardened, unfeeling, bitter, cruel people.
8 Jan 15 min

Life Matters | Is My Child Depressed?

It's normal for kids to feel sad, act grouchy, or be in a bad mood at times. But when a sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or longer, and when there are other changes in a child's behaviour, it might be concerning to a parent or caregiver. In today’s…
7 Jan 20 min

Scripture in Motion | Cultivating Resilience Through Faith

‘Resilience is the human heart’s ability to suffer greatly and grow from it’. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, and unfortunately, suffering is a part of the human experience that no one can escape, although we all go through it at different times, in different ways and intensities. We’re going…
7 Jan 19 min

VOP Lesson | Resurrected at Christ’s Coming

You may have heard people talk about “the first resurrection” that takes place at the second coming of Jesus. What is this all about? Today’s lesson gives us a glimpse into the events taking place when Jesus returns.
6 Jan 10 min

Scripture in Motion | Cultivating Resilience Through Faith

What is resilience? Poetically put, one might say ‘resilience is the human heart’s ability to suffer greatly and grow from it’. As much as we all may want that, for many of us it simply seems out of reach, unpleasant and inconvenient, and we want to end the associated pain…
6 Jan 18 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Gift of Prophecy

Throughout history, God has given revelations of His will for His people through those with the gift of prophecy. “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7, ESV).
19 Dec 2024 10 min

Bible Corner | Reconciling Science & Faith: Are they Compatible?

Someone made an argument on an online forum addressing the subject we’re discussing this week. “The Bible is the same as it was centuries ago. Science changes when new information comes along. What does that tell you?” Essentially arguing that the Bible is static and inflexible, which could be seen…
19 Dec 2024 27 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Gift of Prophecy

When Aaron and Miriam rebelled against Moses’ leadership, God said to them, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.” (Numbers 12:6). Over the next few days, we’re going…
18 Dec 2024 11 min

VOP Lesson | Did the Apostles Change the Sabbath?

We’re still on a journey to figure out who, if anyone, changed the Sabbath. We’ve discovered that it was definitely not Jesus; it wasn’t God Himself either. So let’s look at what the life of the apostles tells us about their views on the Sabbath.
17 Dec 2024 18 min

Bible Corner | Reconciling Science & Faith: Are they Compatible?

This week, we’re talking about where faith and science meet, and if at all they are compatible. There is a belief in the world that faith requires believers to suspend their logic in order to continue to believe in the Bible, whereas science comes with cold, hard, facts. We’ll be…
17 Dec 2024 18 min
1 – 20